Logan Science Journalism Programme Invites Applications

Nipam Patel, Director, Marine Biological Laboratory

The Logan Science Journalism Programme at the University of Chicago’s Marine Biological Laboratory in the United States is inviting applications for its two intense seminars for journalists keen on learning basic biomedical and environmental research methods.

Interested applicants must be professional science journalists, writers, editors, or producers with at least three years of experience. Preference will be given to applicants who do not have significant prior scientific research experience. A basic knowledge of biological principles and methods is advantageous, but is not essential.

Journalists who previously participated in the Biomedical Hands-On Research Course are eligible to apply for the Environmental Hands-On Research Course, and vice versa.

The Logan Science Journalism Programme offers financial assistance to its fellows, which covers their travel expenses to and from Woods Hole, as well as their accommodation and meals during the Hands-On Research Course and other programme activities. Foreign nationals accepted into the programme must obtain a visa, and the programme will reimburse them for the visa fees.

Applications close on January 25, 2024.

For further information and to apply, please visit https://www.mbl.edu/education/logan-science-journalism-program.