MacDowell Colony Accepting Fellowship Applications from Artists

Philip Himberg, Executive Director of MacDowell Colony
Philip Himberg, Executive Director of MacDowell Colony

Artists from all backgrounds and all countries in the following disciplines: architecture, film/video arts, interdisciplinary arts, literature, music composition, theatre, and visual arts are encouraged to apply for the MacDowell Colony Fellowships. Artists with professional standing in their fields as well as emerging artists are eligible to apply.

About 300 artists are awarded fellowships in seven disciplines each year with the sole criterion for acceptance being artistic excellence. No residency fees are required from Fellows. It provides travel grants as well as need-based stipends to open the residency experience to the broadest possible community of artists.

The MacDowell Colony provides the time, space, and an inspiring environment to artists of exceptional talent. The MacDowell Fellowship or residency consists of exclusive use of a studio, accommodations, and three prepared meals a day for up to eight weeks. There are no residency fees.

MacDowell encourages applications from artists representing the widest possible range of perspectives and demographics and welcomes artists engaging in the broadest spectrum of artistic practice and investigating an unlimited array of inquiries and concerns.

Applicants, enrolled in undergraduate or graduate degree programs as of the date of publication are ineligible for a residency but doctoral candidates who have finished all coursework may apply.

Applicants are encouraged to read through the extensive list of Application FAQsbefore starting the application process. Applicant is through the online application process available on copies application forms will not be accepted. Artists may apply only once every 24 months.

As part of the application process, applicants should upload work samples supporting the proposed project and completed within the past four years. Applicants pay a nonrefundable processing fee of $30 (U.S.) with each applicationby debit or credit card through a secure site on the online application. Any applicant who experiences difficulty in paying the fee is encouraged to contact the admissions department. More information about MacDowell financial assistance programmes is available here.

Applicants who have questions about applying to MacDowell should please contact the admissions office at

Applicants are required to provide one reference on file completed by someone who is knowledgeable in their field and is familiar with them and their work. Applications without a completed reference on file will be considered incomplete and will not be reviewed.

A recommender will receive an automated email from SlideRoom once the applicant has entered his/her contact information. This email will contain a link specifically tied to the applicant, which should be used to complete the recommendation.If a recommender cannot submit a reference online, he/she should contact the Admissions Department at admissions@macdowellcolony.orgor 603-924-3886 x 113.

MacDowell Fellows are selected by its admissions panels, which are comprised of a revolving group of distinguished professionals in each artistic discipline who serve anonymously for three years.

Applicants will be notified of admission status approximately two months after the applicable deadline or near the dates listed below:

  • For Summer residency notification: March 15;
  • For Fall residency notification: June 15; and
  • For Winter/Spring residency notification: November 15.

Applicants collaborating on a project are required to submit individual application forms and appropriate work samples, along with a joint description of the work they intend to do at the Colony. Work space needs should be clearly specified (i.e. whether or not separate studios are required), and an example of a previous collaborative work (either completed or in progress) may also be submitted. Admission status is determined by averaging the individual application scores of all collaborators.

MacDowell offers financial assistance programs to those awarded a Fellowshipintended to help with or cover the costs of traveling to and from MacDowell, as well as expenses which artists expect to incur while in residence, including rent and lost income.

Artists may apply for financial aid stipends and travel grants only if they are awarded a MacDowell Fellowship, and demonstrate financial need. Applications for assistance, which are made available as part of the confirmation of acceptance to MacDowell, are kept confidential. Financial assistance funds are disbursed during or shortly after a residency. Artists of all disciplines are eligible to apply.

Through the generosity of several foundations and individuals — including The Calderwood Charitable Foundation, The Pollock-Krasner Foundation, The Mrs. Giles Whiting Foundation, The Leon Levy Foundation, The Lesher Fund for Composers, The Marsyas Fund, and The Rona Jaffe Foundation — need-based stipends are available to artists who would not otherwise be able to afford the time away that a Fellowship requires.