Man Arraigned Over Facebook Post that ‘Embarrassed’ Osun State Speaker

Joshua Sayo Oki
Joshua Sayo Oki

Mr. Joshua Sayo Oki, a 48-year-old man, was on June 22, 2020, arraigned at the Magistrate Court in Osogbo, the Osun State capital, by the Department of State Services (DSS) over a Facebook post that was considered embarrassing to the Speaker of Osun State House of Assembly, Mr Timothy Owoeye.

Mr. Boo Nweke, who was a prosecutor in the matter told the court that on June 19, 2020, Joshua posted contemptuous pictures and words on his Facebook account which defamed the Speaker adding that the information posted by Joshua was false.

The prosecutor stated that Joshua thereby committed an offence by his Facebook post contrary to Section 374(1)b& 374 and punishable under Section 375 of the Criminal Code Cap 34, Vol. 2 Laws of Osun State of Nigeria, 2002.

Joshua pleaded not guilty to the offence and his counsel, Ibraheem Imran applied for his bail.

The Magistrate, ModupeAwodele, granted him bail in the sum of N 100,000 with 2 sureties in like sum and adjourned the case to July 14, 2020.