Alliances for Africa (AfA) has launched an original Comic book titled, The Breadwinner, as part of activities commemorating Africa Day 2014. It is published under its new “Grab the Chance Comic Series” and was launched on May 27, 2014 in Lagos, Nigeria.
Ms Iheoma Obibi, Executive Director at AfA explained that “This Comic, is produced under a project titled: Using Comics for Economic, Social and Gender Justice Advocacy with support from the Association for Women’s Rights in Development (AWID) based in Canada and co-funded by African Women’s Development Fund, Ghana.”.
According to Obibi, “The aim is to raise awareness about the link between the economy and violence against women and girls as well as drive support for gender equality and women’s human rights.”
The Breadwinner comic is set in a town in Africa and follows a family’s struggle as the effect of the global economic meltdown hits its country and threatens the livelihood of members of the family. It explores various sub-themes including issues of domestic roles of men and women, child marriage, violence against women, economic power and empowerment, agriculture, gender equality and social justice.
Relevant international and regional human rights treaties, such as CEDAW, the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Protocol on the Rights of Women in Africa (Maputo Protocol) are introduced using simple language in a fun, easy-to-use format.
Mr. Sewedo Nupowaku CEO of Revolution Media enthused that: “We were very glad to work with AfA on creating the Breadwinner. It challenged us to creatively sketch and plot an otherwise technical subject in a manner that is appealing to the reader.”
“The idea of comic advocacy for gender justice is in response to the need to explore newer and accessible tools to present social and often sensitive human rights issues in an engaging way.” Ms Osai Ojigho, AfA’s Deputy Director and initiator of the project concluded.
The Breadwinner comic is one of a series of products designed by AfA to promote women’s human rights during the African Union’s Women’s Decade (AWD) 2010-2020. The AWD offers an opportunity for African States to focus on the implementation of gender frameworks and treaties. Agriculture and its roles in economic development are also highlighted in the comic. Research shows that empowering women farmers help feed nations. Follow AfA on twitter @AfAafrica and use the hashtag #TheBreadwinner for updates.
Alliances for Africa (AfA) is an African-led international non-governmental human rights, peace and sustainable development organisation. AfA’s main thematic focus is Women’s Rights. AfA sits on the executive Committee member of the Coalition for an Effective African Court (CEAC) and is a steering committee member of the Solidarity for African Women’s Rights (SOAWR). AfA has Observer Status with the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights and is in consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)