The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is canvassing the need for the body to become more transparent and accountable without compromising the security of its activities. To this end, it has adopted an information openness policy consistent with access to information laws already in place in its 28-member countries.
This was disclosed by NATO Secretary General, Mr. Anders Fogh Rasmussen, during a media briefing on March 19, 2014 in Brussels, Belgium.
The Intergovernmental Military Alliance Organization identified six measures to improve transparency and accountability within its member countries. According to the release, NATO will establish permanent standing parliamentary committees dedicated to it; strengthen the democratic mandate of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly; and publish annual financial reports showing figures on NATO’s revenue and expenditure. It will also establish a No-Spying Zone in NATO and a TV channel to stream policy dialogues to the public.
Rasmussen also announced an Alliance-wide public debate on the Transatlantic Bond, adding that he had asked three groups – the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, a group of experts, and a group of young leaders – to consider how NATO can strengthen its transatlantic bond and security but now and in the future.
Each group is expected to submit its findings to Rasmussen in early June at a conference scheduled to hold in Brussels. Findings will then be carried forward to the NATO Summit in Wales in September 2014.
Rasmussen said the Alliance is also interested in hearing from the general public about what the transatlantic relationship has meant to them and how it can preserve it and make it even stronger for future generations.