NCAA Responds to FOI Request after FOI Hall of Shame Induction

Captain Muhtar Shaibu Usman, Director General, Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA)
Captain Muhtar Shaibu Usman, Director General, Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA)

The Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA), appears to be turning a new leaf as it granted an FOI request made by a firm of consumer rights legal practitioners based in Lagos days after it was inducted into the FOI Hall of Shame.

The law firm through its Principal, Mr. Olumide Babalola requested NCAA to provide it with a list of names of all licenced travel agents in Nigeria; he said the information was being requested to safeguard Nigerians from falling victims of any fraudulent person or body parading itself as a licenced travel agent as well as to sanitize the aviation industry.

Responding nine days after the receipt of the request for information, NCAA sent the firm a list of a hundred and fifty (150) travel agents registered with it.

The law firm had however in its letter requesting for information notified NCAA of its intention to sue the institution by asking the court for declaratory relief for refusal, order of mandamus compelling it to provide the information as well as the cost of the suit should it fail to provide the information requested from it.

The request for information was based on the provisions of sections 1, 2, 3 and 20 of the Freedom of Information Act.