NITDA Seeks Comments on Draft Regulatory Instrument


National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA) is seeking comments on a draft compliance framework for stakeholder’s adherence to its regulatory instrument. The agency is mandated by the NITDA Act of 2007 to develop Information Technology in Nigeria through regulatory frameworks, policies, guidelines and standards.

NITDA was established to create a framework for the planning, research, development, standardization, application, coordination, monitoring, evaluation and regulation of Information Technology practices, activities and systems in Nigeria.

Its role is to develop Information technology in the country through regulatory standards, guidelines and policies. Furthermore, NITDA is the clearing house for all IT projects and infrastructure development in the country. It is the prime Agency for e-government implementation, Internet governance and general IT development in Nigeria.

The Agency has developed compliance framework and member of the public are invited to send their comments electronically at within 21 days beginning from February 18, 2016

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