NUPRI Calls for Chapter Proposals on Internet Governance in the Global South


The NUPRI Research Group at the University of São Paulo (USP) is now accepting chapter proposals for an upcoming publication on Internet Governance in the Global South.

The main objectives of the publication are to critically discuss Internet Governance from the perspective of the Global South, its specific environments and research agendas and to contribute to the linguistic diversification of Internet Governance literature.

Academic researchers, students, journalists, NGOs, governments and any individual interested in Internet Governance can submit proposal for this publication.

The following topics have been provided as a guide on the focus of the publication, authors are free to pick from it, or develop their own topics. They include Big data, global data streams and economic development in the South; Constructivism and public debates on cybersecurity in countries with high violent crime rates; Challenges for developing a competitive DNS industry; Concentration of wealth and agenda setting/agenda-setting theory in Internet Governance; and Internet Governance research, research methods and capacity building in and outside of institutions of higher education.

Other acceptable topics are Local, regional and global participation in Internet Governance debates; Affordable broadband Internet access for the masses; Technical infrastructure investment and development; Privacy and data protection; and Cryptocurrencies.

The publication will focus on the Global South, also known as “developing countries”; it will discuss Internet Governance from a geographically specific but also diversified point of view. It aims to approach debates on Internet Governance in the Global South and also topics that are specific to many countries in the region like low access rates, basic infrastructure challenges, the lack of a DNS industry, participation in global Internet Governance debates and more.

Postgraduate students, PhD candidates, and PhDs from all parts of the world can submit abstracts, graduate students and professionals from the field whose proposals stands out can also submit. Proposals (and later final contributions) are accepted in Spanish, Portuguese and English language.

A one –page Proposal between 800-1200 words introducing the topic and clearly defining the objective and the structure of the final chapter can be uploaded here, along with a one-page curriculum of each author that includes academic and other affiliations and experience in the field of Internet Governance (publication list, presentations or other related kinds of activities).

Authors whose proposals are selected are requested to hand in the final version (and later revised versions) of their chapter as a doc file in the format below.

The publication will have an ISBN number and will be distributed under a Creative Commons license. It will be free and only available online.

Important dates on the publications are as follows: Submission of proposals, 15 June 2017; Notification of accepted proposals, 15 July 2017; Submission of final chapters, 15 October 2017; Notification of accepted final chapters, 15 November 2017; Submission of first revision, 15 December 2017; Notification of accepted first revision, 15 January 2018; and Submission of second (final) revision 15 February 2018.