OGP Organises Seminar for Civil Society Candidates Shortlisted for 2020 Steering Committee

Sanjay Pradhan, CEO, OGP
Sanjay Pradhan, CEO, OGP

Following an open nomination process, a public comment period and the shortlisting of Civil Society candidates for the 2020 Steering Committee of the Open Government Partnership (OGP), a series of webinars are being planned to give the OGP civil society community and the candidates a chance to get to know each other, share priorities, and discuss initial ideas

Scheduled to hold on June 15 to 17, the webinars will offer a great opportunity to engage with the candidates and current Steering Committee members to discuss priorities and opportunities for engagement.

The newly shortlisted civil society candidates for the 2020 OGP Steering Committee are:

  1. MalickLingani, Association Beog-Neeré
  2. Mauricio Alarcón Salvador, FundaciónCiudadanía y Desarrollo
  3. Blair Glencorse, Accountability Lab
  4. Stephanie Muchai, HIVOS
  5. Anabel Cruz, Instituto de Comunicación y Desarrollo
  6. Glynnis Cummings-John, Restless Development
  7. Rob Davidson, Information and Communications Technology Council (ICTC)
  8. Oluseun David Onigbinde, BudgIT
  9. Isabel Erreguerena, EQUIS: JusticiaparalasMujeres
  10. Lysa John, Civicus
  11. Jongsoo (Jay) Yoon, CODE

The webinars which will be held on Bluejeans with the nominees are scheduled to hold on June 15,at 2-3 PM CET with Malick, Glynnis, Steph and Oluseun; on June 16 at 6-7 PM CET with Rob, Mauricio, Anabel, and Isabel; and on June 17 at 8-9 AM CET with Lysa, jay and Blair.

All nomination materials and non-attributed public comments are available online in full at https://www.opengovpartnership.org/about/who-we-are/steering-committee/civil-society-candidates-for-the-steering-committee-2020/.

The seminars will offer a great opportunity to engage with both the candidates and current Steering Committee members to discuss priorities and opportunities for engagement and interested persons can sign-up for the webinars and submit their question to the candidates through the link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe2yVroDRCLPdxLPtAZpqrC-4ActR9QhVkYCwl-z7JpJts7qg/viewform.

Further information about the 2020 Civil Society Steering Committee Selection Process is available here.

The Steering Committee is OGP’s executive, decision-making body. Its role is to develop, promote and safeguard OGP’s values, principles and interests, establish OGP’s core ideas, policies, and rules, and oversee the functioning of the Partnership.