OGP to Hold Open Contracting 2017 Conference in Amsterdam


The Open Government Partnership will host the Open Contracting 2017 Conference in Amsterdam, The Netherland on November 28-29, 2017.

The conference will focus on a number of issues including: What’s working, what isn’t and what to do about it; How to turn data into impact on people’s lives; The best and brightest user tools to improve procurement; and How to meet user needs, build long-term alliances and overcome blockers.

The Conference will also explore issues of Innovations in key sectors from infrastructure to health to extractives; Inspirational open contracting idols from government, business and civil society; and Great examples of how governments, companies, civil society and journalists can work together to make open contracting a success.

The conference will draw influencers and innovators from dozens of countries to discuss issues around open contracting in sharp and snappy sessions, interaction and co-working.

Open contracting is one of the most exciting areas in modernizing government, fighting corruption, reforming markets and fostering business innovation and entrepreneurship. Better, smarter and fairer government contracting will have a huge impact on citizens’ lives everywhere.

Further information will be made available in the coming months while interested persons are also encouraged to visit http://www.open-contracting.org/.