Ohio University Calls for Applications for Kiplinger Fellowship

Kevin Z. Smith
Kiplinger Program in Public Affairs Journalism at Ohio University

Ohio University, a public research institution based in Athens in Ohio State in the United States, is calling on working journalists with at least five years of experience covering migration issues to apply for the Kiplinger Programme in Public Affairs Journalism, aimed at training journalists to cover the most pressing global issues of our time.

The Kiplinger Fellowship will take place from April 14-20, 2024 at Ohio University’s Scripps School of Journalism. The programme will focus on the critical topic of Immigration and Migration reporting.

Interested journalists with a minimum of five years of experience covering immigration and migration issues are encouraged to apply for the fellowship. The programme is open to journalists from both the United States and abroad.

Kiplinger will cover the costs of training and lodging for the entire week and also provide a travel stipend to cover the majority of transportation, as well as cover most of the meals. However, applicants or their employers will be responsible for any remaining costs beyond what Kiplinger is covering.

Submission of applications closes on November 27, 2023; candidate reviews will take place and announcements will be made in mid-December.

For further information or to seek for clarification, write to KiplingerProgram@ohio.edu. Interested journalists should apply by visiting  https://ohio.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9WDA6yNN6OfXAIS.