PALU, AU Anti-Corruption Board to Host 8th African Anti-Corruption Dialogue in Nairobi

Mr. Kari Aboul Bagui, President, Pan African Lawyers Union

The Pan African Lawyers Union (PALU), the premier continental forum of lawyers’ associations in Africa, and the African Union Advisory Board Against Corruption (AUABC), an autonomous organ established within the African Union (AU) to combat corruption, are set to host the 8th edition of the African Anti-Corruption Dialogue from July 9 to 11, 2024.

The dialogue which would explore the theme “Effective Whistleblowers Protection Mechanism: A Critical Tool in the Fight Against Corruption” will take place in Nairobi, Kenya and will bring together representatives from African Union Member States, international organizations, national anti-corruption agencies, civil society, and academia.

The focus on this theme followed a comprehensive review in 2023 of the African Union Convention on Preventing and Combating Corruption (AUCPCC), marking its 20th anniversary. The review highlighted significant progress and persistent challenges, including the need for robust whistleblower protections.

The dialogue aims to assess the current state of whistleblower protection, identify best practices, offer recommendations for improvement, and foster collaboration among stakeholders. Key messages include the need for effective whistleblower legislation, robust protection for whistleblowers, anonymous reporting systems, citizen support for whistleblowers, and a collective effort to combat corruption in Africa.

The event will feature webinars, panel discussions, and presentations on the outcomes of research on the State of Whistleblower Protection in Africa. It will also include the convening of the Third African Anti-Corruption Non-State Actors Forum.

This will be followed by a publication on the status of whistleblower protection in Africa, strategic recommendations for effective mechanisms to be submitted for consideration by the Policy Organs of the African Union and other relevant actors; and enhanced engagement between Regional Economic Communities (RECs), National Anti-corruption Authorities, and Civil Society Organizations around anti-corruption interventions especially on whistleblower mechanism.