Crowdfunding Platform Offers  Financial Aid to  Needy Journalists 



Press Start, a new crowdfunding platform, is now accepting applications for financial aid  from journalists with at least three years of experience in countries without fully free media. Press Start connects journalists in emerging democracies or developing countries to a global donor community.

Applicants can submit story ideas with a budget proposal of no more than US$2,000. Topics must be of social importance, including politics, human rights, gender, minority and sexual orientation, health, and the environment.

Eligible for the financial aid are traditional print stories and series, photo essays, multimedia projects and reported, and influential blogs.

Interested applicants should submit their CV; links to three samples of their works; essay of introduction no more than 1 ½ single-spaced pages; a detailed proposal of one-half to one single-spaced page for a story or series; a budget proposal broken down by major expense categories, such as travel costs, interpreters, and equipment. Requests should be in line with Press Start other campaigns (see the “Our Journalists” section of its homepage for a rough idea), and should not be more than $2,000. Successful applicants will be expected to render financial account backed with receipts of expenditure at the conclusion of their reporting.

Applicants should submit two letters of recommendation from people they have worked with, a letter from a commissioning editor at the outlet where they intend to publish or broadcast their work stating their interest in publishing/posting/showing the piece(s). For staff journalists, this will likely be from their employers (but does not have to be). If the same editor is also writing one of applicants’ letters of recommendation, the expression of interest can be included in the recommendation letter.

Freelancers or salaried journalists are free to apply and it is crucial that either an applicant’s introductory essay or CV identify which media they are currently working for and that they provide enough information about it to help Press Start assess its independence.

For more information and to apply, please visit: