Publications Produced by Media Rights Agenda


Please click on the title of any of the books to download the PDF version

Don’t Hit the Switch: Making the Case Against Network Disruptions in Africa

Freedom of Information Newsletters

The Freedom of Information (FOI) Newsletters are monthly publications which aggregated news, information and analyses about the usage of the FOI Act and its implementation in Nigeria while also sharing global FOI best practices and developments. A total of 11 editions spanning June 2014 to April 2015 were published.

Reporting Impunity: Report from the Monitoring of Print Media Coverage of Impunity Issues. Seven monthly reports from June 2013 to December 2013.

Variety of Other Publications

MRA produced six sector-specific guidelines for using the Freedom of Information Act, as follows:

MRA’s Publications on the Freedom of Information Act, 2011

Research into Existing Laws Identifies Opportunities for Public Access to Information

Reports of Research into Existing Laws and Regulations in four West African countries which identifies opportunities for public access to information and an Access to Information Monitoring Exercise

  1. Windows for Transparency – Nigeria
  2. Windows for Transparency – Ghana
  3. Windows for Transparency – Liberia
  4. Windows for Transparency – Sierra Leone and
  5. Ask, and You May Receive

Annual Reports on the State of the Media

Executive Watch
A Public Assessment of President Olusegun Obasanjo’s Government Policy Statements and Actions

 First Set of MRA’s Publications