Publish Asia 2017 Set for April in Kuala Lumpur


The 17th edition of ‘Publish Asia’, the annual meeting place for the Asian newspaper and news publishing industry, is set to hold from April 18 to 20, 2017 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

The theme for this edition of the conference is “Strengthening print in the digital era”. It seeks to focus on the best practices for repositioning and optimising today’s news publishing business with an emphasis on print which represents the core of the industry while also including critical digital issues at the heart of the debates.

It hopes to address the management and business issues facing newspaper publishers and examines emerging new business models and revenue streams.

More than 300 media executives from over 30 countries are expected to attend the three days of exciting master classes, conference sessions and networking events.

Publish Asia also offers dedicated sessions focusing on the challenges facing editors, newsroom managers and journalists. These include new initiatives, trends and solutions but also some of the heavyweight issues of concern to editors, including challenges to press freedom, the safety of journalists and sustainability.

The conference will take place at Le Meridien, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and the programme will cover the following essential topics: How to win with an audience-centric business model; New print products and production strategies; Next level journalism; Rebuilding trust in News; Making sense with data; VR and new content formats; Digging in old and new revenue streams; and Managing the news media dual transformation.

The Asian Media Awards 2017 ceremony, one of the most prestigious competitions in the industry for publishers to benchmark their digital offerings in Asia, will take place on Wednesday April 19 as part of Publish Asia 2017.

Created in 2000, Publish Asia presents an opportunity to connect with the right people through industry get-togethers with more than 300 senior publishing executives from over 25 countries. It affords participants the opportunity to get insights from innovators who are transforming the global media industry, learn from case studies and best practices that are directly relevant to their own media operations and discover the “Best in Asia”.