Radio Presenter Reportedly Dismissed Over Comments on Facebook

Umar Ridwan, Former presenter with DITV-Alheri Radio
Umar Ridwan, Former presenter with DITV-Alheri Radio

Mr. Umar Ridwan, a presenter with DITV-Alheri Radio in Kaduna, was dismissed from the station through a letter dated October 15, 2018 allegedly over comments he reportedly posted on Facebook.

Umar is alleged to have made pro-Buhari comments on Facebook which led to his dismissal.

 DITV-Alheri Radio is owned by an ex ally of President Buhari, Hakim Baba-Ahmed who later defected to the main opposition party, the Peoples’ Democratic Party (PDP)

Ridwan, a presenter of Youth and ‘Gari ya waye’ programs at the station pointed out that his sack might not be unconnected with his Facebook post concerning the activities of President Buhari, which allegedly angered the proprietor.

He stated that he had earlier been given a two-week suspension for posting political matters on his personal social media pages.

Speaking on the genesis of the matter, he said: “After some consultations with industrial law experts, I discovered that the station has no right whatsoever to interfere with my personal activities, as long as it does not affect my duty as a presenter.

So, on my resumption from the suspension, I shared a Tweet on the defunct Nigerian Airways pensioners’ fund release, posted by the Minister of Finance Zainab Ahmed, the management apparently got angry and decided to fire me.”