Radio presenter shot and kidnapped

Anthony Akatakpo
Anthony Akatakpo

On March 13, 2014 at about 2am local time, unknown gunmen broke into the residence of a radio presenter, Mr. Anthony Akatakpo, shot him in the leg and took him to unknown destination. Akatakpo is a popular radio presenter with Wazobia FM in Port Harcourt in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria.

The gunmen stormed his residence in Rumuekini community near Port Harcourt in Rivers State.

Narrating the incident, Akatakpo’s wife, Mrs. Candy Akatakpo, said an unspecified number of gunmen invaded their residence while they were asleep and forced their way into their apartment after breaking the door.

She said the gunmen who beat them up and asked for money were not satisfied with what they gave them and continued to demand for more.

She added that one of the gunmen who was infuriated at the amount given to them shot Akatakpo in the leg and while he groaned in pain, they demanded for the key to his car, which was given to them.

She said further that while Akatapko’s leg was bleeding as a result of the gunshot, the kidnappers dragged him out of the house and took him away in his light blue Mitsubishi Endeavor SUV vehicle with registration Number LSD 871 CM to an unknown destination.

Mrs. Akatakpo added that: “Before they left, they said as his wife I should know what to do. They asked me to bring N10 million [about US $60,730].”

She said the gunmen ransacked the house for about 45 minutes and later returned to pack shoes, wine from the bar and necklaces after their initial departure, adding: “They dumped my husband insider the boot of the car.”