Registration Opens for 11th International Conference of Information Commissioners

10th International Conference of Information Commissioners
10th International Conference of Information Commissioners

Registration has opened for the 11th International Conference of Information Commissioners (ICIC) scheduled to hold from March 10 to 13, 2019 at the Vodacom Commercial Park in Johannesburg, South Africa.

Interested persons are encouraged to visit the Conference web page hosted on the website of the University of Pretoria:

The Conference, which will explore the theme: “International cooperation to strengthen public access to information” is expected to build on past experiences and will provide a stellar forum for identifying emerging trends and recurring issues on the right of access to information globally.

Accreditation of registered participants will take place on March 10, 2019 beginning from 14:00-17:00 and on March 11, 2019 from 07:00- 08:30 at the Conference venue.

About four hundreds (400) delegates representing national, regional and international Information Commissioners and Ombudsmen, government representatives, academics, experts, practitioners and Non-Governmental Organisations are expected to participate in the open session of the Conference on the 11 and 12 March 2019.

The open session will be followed by a closed session of Information Commissioners and Ombudsmen on March 13, 2019.

The Conference is being hosted by South African Information Regulator (Regulator) in partnership with the Centre for Human Rights of the University of Pretoria and with the support of the secretariat of the International Conference of Information Commissioners (ICIC).