‘Rest and Refuge Scholarship’ Opens for Journalists  in Countries in Crisis

Christophe Deloire Director General Reporters sans Frontières
Christophe Deloire
Director General
Reporters sans Frontières

Journalists living in countries in crisis or war are eligible to apply for the Reporter Without Borders (Reporters sans Frontières, RSF) and Taz Panter Foundation new project ‘Rest and Refuge Scholarship’.

The scholarship is open to Journalists who need a time out from their difficult working conditions which may be the case after covering stories in an oppressive environment. Journalists who feel the need to lie low a while and get out of the view of state security because of their journalistic work may also apply.

Two journalists will be selected to stay in Berlin for a time of refuge and rest up to three months. The first journalist will be invited from September to November 2017, the second from March to May 2018.

Interested applicants must be able to communicate in basic English or in German with relevant working-experience as journalists. They must have the intention to return to their country after three months.

The organizers offer travel expenses, a decent apartment, pocket money and free transportation in Berlin for up to three months. Participants may completely withdraw from public life, use the time for writing or thinking, or they may want to explore political life in Berlin.

Application deadline is July 31, 2017.