Rory Peck Trust Invites Entries for 2017 Video Awards

Rory Peck
Rory Peck

The Rory Peck Trust is inviting applications for its 2017 awards from freelance video journalists who cover international news and current affairs.

Aimed at honouring freelance cameramen and camerawomen, the Awards are organized by the Rory Peck Trust. The awards will also accept video entries that are self-funded work as well as entries from local freelancers, especially those living and working in regions where it is difficult to operate.

The awards will be given in three categories: news, features and the Sony Professional Impact Award for Current Affairs. Applicants for the Rory Peck Award for News will submit video clips of not more than 10 minutes.
Applicants for the Rory Peck Award for News Features should submit video clips with maximum duration of 30 minutes while those for the Sony Impact Award for Current Affairs should submit video clips with maximum duration of 60 minutes.

The awards recognize quality of camera work, individual endeavor, initiative and journalistic ability in all categories.
To be qualified for the awards, entries must have been broadcast (television, agency feed, recognized online news publisher) between June 1, 2016 and June 30, 2017.

The application deadline is July 3, 2017.

The Rory Peck Trust was established in 1995, two years after freelance cameraman Rory Peck was killed while filming in Moscow.

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