Sixth International Conference on Communication & Media Studies Holds Online

Mario Minichiello
Communication and Media Studies Research Network

The Communication and Media Studies Research Network will hold its sixth International Conference on Communication and Media Studies online from October 6 to 8, 2011, to  be hosted by the University of Toronto in Canada.

The online conference will be delivered on the Common Ground (CG) Scholar platform – developed by the Common Ground Media Lab, the research and technology arm of Common Ground Research Networks.

The conference will feature research addressing the 2021 Special Focus – “The Data Galaxy: The Un-Making of Typographic Man?” as well as the annual themes which are: Media Cultures, Media Theory, Media Technologies and Processes,

Media Business and Media Literacies.

It will also feature plenary speakers by some of the world’s leading thinkers and innovators in the field including Jasmine Rault, Assistant Professor, University of Toronto Scarborough and the Faculty of Information at University of Toronto, Canada; T. L. Cowan, Assistant Professor, the Faculty of Information at the University of Toronto, Canada; Rianka Singh, Assistant Professor, York University, Toronto, Canada; Sanjay Ruparelia, Jarislowsky Democracy Chair, Ryerson University, Canada; Denis Renó, Catedrático en Ecología de los Medios y Periodismo Imagético, Universidad Estadual Paulista, Brasil; and Jesús Miguel Flores Vivar, Profesor, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España.

The organizers are interested in investigations that fall into the following lines -Cultures of media and the media of culture, theories of media and communication, technologies of media and communication, business of communication media and languages and learning of media.

As part of bringing the conference into the digital era, presenters will be given Presenter Pages linked to profiles on CGScholar, displaying abstract summary, thematic connection to panellists and peers, and ability to add digital media: video, sound, other files. As an alternative, presenters can participate online with Audience Passes.

In addition, the conference will also offer innovative online social spaces to frame serendipitous encounters for personal and professional growth.

All “Blended” registration types will be able to present online in 2021 and in-person (and/or) online in 2022 to enable flexibility for the Research Network Members and at the same time create resilient, spaces for communication, engagement and participation.

Please visit here for options available to register for the conference.