Summer Institute in Communication and Governance Reform Calls for Application


Applications are currently being accepted for the 2013 Summer Institute in Communication and Governance Reform, to be held from May 28 to June 7, 2013, at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles.

World Bank-Annenberg Project

Organizations involved in the application process are: the World Bank Institute’s Governance Practice, the World Bank’s External Affairs Operational Communications Department, the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania, and the Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism at the University of Southern California.

The course is primarily designed for strategists and advisers in the public sector and civil society, senior development professionals,and seasoned communication specialists who want to strengthen critical competencies in providing implementation support to change agents and reform leaders in developing countries.

The course will equip participants with knowledge about the most recent advances in communication and proven techniques in reform implementation. Participants will develop core competencies essential to bringing about real change, leading to development results in a wide range of sectors.

The course seeks to impart critical skills in the following key areas: interpreting governance diagnostics and political economy analyses; crafting multi-stakeholder collaboration, coalition and network building strategies and tactics to support reform; providing communication skills that support the implementation of governance reforms; leveraging social/digital media tools and analytics effectively; and developing communication metrics and applying monitoring and evaluation frameworks relevant to governance reform.

The pilot edition of the course was held in July, 2011, and attended by senior communication practitioners and policy makers from Africa and the Middle East. There was an overwhelming response to and excitement about the course from professionals across various sectors and regions. To respond to the significant demand for the course, the partners brought about the Summer Institute in 2012.

The fee for participation is $5,000, which includes daily full-day instruction and meals during the sessions as well as site visits to leading entertainment, advertising, and media industry representatives. Participants are responsible for their travel and lodging.

To apply for the course kindly click here for more information, including the participant profile and online application materials.

All applications must be received by February 18, 2013.