The Carter Center has announced that it will be sharing its experiences in developing and piloting the Implementation Assessment Tool (IAT)designed to assess the extent and quality of public administrations’ implementation of their access to information laws.
The event planned to take place on April 23, 2014, will be held at the OpenGov Hub in Washington, D.C. at which the Center “will be discussing the tool’s methodology, indicators, preliminary findings, and next steps.”
The Carter Center developed the IAT to “diagnose the extent to which the public administration is capacitated to respond to requests and to provide information, as well as providing an implementation roadmap for the government.”
It explained that the IAT is designed to assess the specific activities and inputs that the government administration has engaged or failed to engage in promoting access to information law.
The objectives of this tool are to establish a comprehensive set of access to information implementation benchmarks; identify the extent to which a ministry/agency has implemented its law; provide a roadmap for improvements; and contribute to scholarship on implementation and to the understanding of implementation successes and challenges.
More information about Cater Center and the IAT can be obtained from LauraNeuman on