UN SDG Action Awards Now Accepting Applications and Nominations

António Guterres
UN Secretary-General

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goal(s) (UN SDG) Action Awards, a signature programme of the UN SDG Action Campaign, that seeks initiatives and individuals who can mobilize, inspire and connect people to drive positive change is now accepting applications and nominations.

The UN SDG Action Campaign is aimed at initiatives and individuals that make a difference on the ground and Flip the Script, turning fear into hope, vulnerability into resilience, war into peace, and division into unity. 

Over 3,000 applications and nominations are received annually from over 150 countries.

Following a technical review process that identifies the finalists, a high-level Panel of Judges consisting of leaders across sectors and geographies select the winners. Finalists and winners will be unveiled and celebrated at an inspiring and creative UN SDG Action Awards Ceremony, livestreamed globally.

The UN SDG Action Awards is divided into three categories:

  • Initiatives that turn apathy into action by mobilizing hundreds of thousands, or even millions, of individuals to take action for the SDGs. Initiatives with high impact, typically involving collective and coordinated actions that mobilize people to Flip the Script and achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
  • Initiatives that harness the power of creativity to inspire positive change and shift behaviour for the SDGs as well as inspire campaigns that Flip the Script to shift individual behaviour and/or public policies.
  • Initiatives that turn division into unity by connecting diverse sectors and partners – from citizens to institutions – to accelerate progress on the SDGs as well as Flip the Script and connect people, organizations, and institutions to harness commitments and accountability towards the SDGs.

Outstanding individuals who demonstrate that the power is in our hands to Flip the Script and enact transformative change and whose actions have had an extraordinary impact towards the SDGs on the ground whilst empowering communities and creating a multiplying effect can also be nominated for the UN SDG Action Awards.

Interested applicants can apply at https://sdgaction.smapply.io/prog/2023_un_sdg_action_awards_mobilize_inspire_connect_application/ or send nominations at https://sdgaction.smapply.io/prog/2023_un_sdg_action_awards_changemaker_nomination. Applications and nominations close by April 30, 2023.