Executive Secretary,
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC), the UNDP Global Environmental Finance Small Grant Program and tve are organizing the 2017 Global Youth Video Competition on Climate Change.
The Competition is looking for the young people send in a 3-minute inspiring video diary about an action to combat climate change. The categories are climate friendly and resilient cities, and oceans and climate change.
Entries will be judged based on the clearness and effectiveness of the video in documenting a story about climate change, promoting action and/or offering new solutions.
A shortlist of videos selected by a judging panel including representatives from UNDP, UNFCCC and tve will be selected and posted online.
The winner in each category – the film which receives the most views on tve‘s Inspiring Change YouTube channel – will win the round trip to COP23 in Bonn and a place as a youth reporter.
All films entered in the Global Youth Video Competition will remain available online for viewing as the tvebiomovies competition continues to run.
For more information click http://biomovies.tve.org/en/enter/global-youth-video-competition/