UNCA Calls for Entries for its 19th Annual Awards


The United Nations Correspondents Association (UNCA) is inviting entries from journalists all over the world for its 19th Annual UNCA Awards for the best print, broadcast (TV & Radio) and online, web-based media coverage of the United Nations (UN), UN agencies and field operations. Over $50,000 would be distributed among the prize categories and winners. Stevie-gets-award-800x623-300x233

The Awards include:

1. The Elizabeth Neuffer Memorial Prize, sponsored by the Alexander Bodini Foundation, for written media (including online media).

2. The Ricardo Ortega Memorial Prize, for broadcast (TV & Radio) media.

3. The Prince Albert II of Monaco and UNCA Global Prize for coverage of Climate Change.

4. The United Nations Foundation Prize for print (including online media) and broadcast media (TV & Radio) for coverage of humanitarian and development aspects of the U.N. and U.N. agencies.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon will present the prizes at the Awards event on Tuesday, December 16, 2014 as coverage of the UN and its agencies is specified in each category.

The Committee welcomes coverage of all issues particularly on Millennium Developments Goals, peacekeeping operations, and nonproliferation, including the elimination of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons. Work in print, broadcast (TV & Radio), and online coverage must be published between September 2013 and August 2014, and be related to the UN and its agencies. The Entry Form can be downloaded or filled at: http://unca.com/2014-awards-call-for-submissions-form/ Entries must be received online or postmarked by September 15, 2014.