UNCA Invites Entries for Best Journalistic Coverage of UN, Agencies

Valeria Robecco
UNCA President

The United Nations Correspondents Association (UNCA) is inviting journalists worldwide to submit entries for its 25th anniversary Awards for the best print, broadcast (television and radio) and online or web-based media coverage of COVID-19, climate change, the United Nations, its agencies and their field operations.

The awards are open in three categories including the Elizabeth Neuffer Memorial Prize for coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic, sponsored by the Alexander Bodini Foundation for print (including online media) and broadcast media (TV & Radio); the Prince Albert II of Monaco and UNCA Global Prize for Coverage of Climate Change open for print (including online media) and broadcast media (TV & Radio); and the Ricardo Ortega Memorial Prize for coverage of the United Nations, UN agencies and field operations, sponsored by the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations. The prize is for print (including online media) and broadcast media (TV & Radio).

To be eligible for the Awards, work in print, broadcast (TV & Radio), and online coverage must be published between September 2019 and August 2021. The judges will look for entries with impact, insight, and originality, and will consider the courage and investigative and reporting skills of the journalists. Entries from the developing world media are particularly welcome.

Entries can be submitted in any of the official UN languages (English, French, Arabic, Chinese, Spanish, and Russian), with a written transcript in English or French to facilitate the judging process.

No applicant should submit entries for more than two (2) prize categories, with a maximum of two (2) stories in each. Joint entries are accepted. All entries are submitted electron9cally online.

To be eligible, entries must be received no later than September 15, 2021.

For further information and to submit entries, please go to: https://unca.com/unca-awards-call-for-submissions/.