UNESCO Launches Global Forum for Partnership on Media and Information Literacy in Nigeria


The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) will launch the Global Forum for Partnership on Media and Information Literacy (GFPMIL) in Nigeria. This is part of its strategy to create partnership necessary to amplify the impact of Media and Information Literacy (MIL).

Irina Bokova, Director General UNESCO

UNESCO noted that the GFPMIL will not be another academic meeting but a more focused and permanent mechanism aimed at: articulating concrete partnerships to drive MIL development and impact globally; enabling the MIL community to speak as one voice on certain critical matters, particularly as it relates to policies; further deepening the strategy for MIL to be treated as a composite concept by providing a common platform for MIL related networks and associations globally.

With Africa as an overarching priority for UNESCO, GFPMIL will incorporate the Pan-African MIL and Intercultural Dialogue Conference as the first global partnership project.

The GFPMIL aims at articulating concrete partnerships to drive MIL development globally; enabling the MIL community to speak as one voice on certain critical matters; and further deepening the strategy for MIL to be treated as a composite concept by providing a common platform for MIL related networks and associations globally. The tentative date for this forum is June 26 – 28, 2013.

This conference is supported by Saudi Arabia, a bilateral partner with significant involvement in UNESCO projects on MIL and intercultural dialogue.

The First International Forum on MIL was held from June 15 – 17, 2011 in Fez, Morocco, under the auspices of His Majesty King Mohammed the Sixth. Over 200 participants representing all regions of the world, including educators, information and media experts, civil society actors and social scientists, gathered to discuss MIL and share experience and knowledge.

UNESCO has been working for over 40 years in the field of MIL and this initiative is in partnership with the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) and other key stakeholders around the world.

UNESCO’s global action is to foster media and information literate societies through a comprehensive strategy. The strategy includes:  integrating MIL into all levels of education systems, particularly through the adaptation the MIL Curriculum for Teachers; the facilitation of international cooperation, development of Guidelines for Preparing National MIL Policies and Strategies; articulation of a Global Framework on MIL Indicators; creation of a MIL University Network; articulation of and establishment of an International Clearinghouse on MIL in cooperation with the UNAOC; and provision of Guidelines for Broadcasters on Promoting User-Generated Content and MIL.

Please visit UNESCO’s website for further updates on this meeting. http://www.unesco.org/new/en/communication-and-information/resources/news-and-in-focus-articles/all-news/news/global_forum_for_partnership_on_media_and_information_literacy_to_take_place_next_year_in_nigeria/