University of Gothenburg Calls for Applications for its Ph.D. Programme in Political Science


The University of Gothenburg’s, Department of Political Science is calling for applications to its PhD programme in Political Science in 2014.  This programme offers full scholarship for its four doctoral studentship (PhD) positions and successful applicants would begin on September 1, 2014.

The scholarship covers all four years for the programme though the PhD positions will have different specializations.

Professor Bo Rothstein, QoG institute
Professor Bo Rothstein, QoG Institute

One of the areas of specialization is Political Science in general. The two other areas are part of the Quality of Government (QoG) Institute ( Under the Institute, the two PhD projects will be carried out within a new research project entitled ‘The Performance of Democracies (PERDEM)’. The project is financed by an Advanced Research Grant from the European Research Council to Professor Bo Rothstein and is hosted by the QoG Institute. The project’s objectives is to analyze the relation between how democracies are organized and how they perform in generating human well-being, curb corruption and handling the public finances.

The fourth position is part of Society, Opinions and Mass media (SOM) Institute ( and targeted towards research into public opinion and survey methodology. The SOM institute is an independent survey research facility at the University of Gothenburg, directed by Professor Henrik Ekengren Oscarsson and jointly sponsored by the Department of Political Science and the Department of Journalism, Media and Communication. The Institute has collaborated with researchers from a range of disciplines since 1986, aiming to explore Swedes’ attitudes in a range of areas and to understand the evolution of the Swedish society. The institute is engaged in research and development to meet the many contemporary challenges to survey methodology. The doctoral studentship is part of a strategy to secure data of high quality in the empirical social sciences.

Interested candidates should apply online before March 3, 2014. Click here to apply.