WBG-IMF Hold 2022 Annual Meetings in Washington DC

David R. Malpass
President, World Bank Group

The 2022 Annual Meetings of the World Bank Group (WBG) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) will take place in person from October 10 to 16, 2022 at the Group headquarters of both multi-lateral institutions, in Washington DC., in the United States of America

Registration will be available for all categories of participants (Delegates, Observers, Guests, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), and Press). 

CSOs registration will open on August 8, 2022, while registration for all other categories will open in mid-August. Virtual audiences will be able to follow public events on IMF and World Bank digital platforms. Additional information on the schedule and registration will be available online close to the Meetings.

The focus of the Annual Meetings will be the Plenary session, the Development Committee and the International Monetary and Financial Committee meetings. Other featured events will include regional briefings, press conferences, and fora focused on international development, the global economy, and financial markets.

The IMF and WBG will continue to monitor the worldwide health situation and, if needed, amend their plan in accordance with relevant World Health Organization and Centers for Disease Control guidance.