Wilson Center International Invites Applications for Fellowship Programme

Ambassador Mark Green
President, Wilson Cente

The Wilson Center International is inviting applications from scholars, practitioners, journalists and public intellectuals to take part in its flagship nine-month residential international fellowship programme.

The Center awards approximately 15-20 residential fellowships each year. Fellows will be affiliated with one or more of the Wilson Center programmes/projects and are encouraged to interact with policymakers in Washington, D.C., with Wilson Center staff, and other scholars working on similar research and topics.

Eligible applicants are citizens or permanent residents from any country (applicants from countries outside the United States must hold a valid passport and be able to obtain a J-1 visa even if they are currently in the United States). (Read more information on visas) For clarification, applicants are advised to contact the Center if they have any questions about their eligibility to obtain a J1 visa. Academic candidates must be at the post-doctoral level and have published a book or monograph beyond the Ph.D. dissertation, while practitioners or policymakers are persons with an equivalent level of professional achievement. English proficiency as the Center is designed to encourage the exchange of ideas among its fellows

Applicants should submit their applications online here.

A complete application must include the following:

  1. the Fellowship Application Form;
  2. a current CV (not exceeding three pages); The Center will only accept the first three pages;
  3. a list of applicant’s publications that includes exact titles, names of publishers, dates of publication and status of forthcoming publications (not to exceed three pages);
  4. a Project Proposal (not to exceed five single-spaced typed pages, using 12-point type); The Center reserves the right to omit from review applications that are longer than the requested page length;
  5. a bibliography for the project that includes primary sources and relevant secondary sources (not to exceed three pages);
  6. two letters of reference.

Applicants are advised that it is essential they make their project clear to individuals outside their own field and to explain its broader implications. The following elements should be addressed in the proposal:
a. a detailed description of the topic and its importance;
b. the originality of the proposed study (explain what makes the project distinctive);
c. the basic ideas and hypotheses;
d. the methodology to be used (including the activities you will undertake to gather the data you need for your project and the techniques that you will use to analyze the data in order to prove your thesis);
e. the present status of your research, including how much has already been done in relevant collections and archives, and what you would hope to accomplish at the Center;
f. the materials that will be used and the importance of Washington-area resources;
g. explain why you chose the Wilson Center for your project;
h. the relevance of the project to contemporary policy issues; and
i. the relevance of the project to the programmatic goals of the Center.

Applicants who would like suggestions on preparing the proposal can read the Center’s Frequently Asked Questions and/or The Art of Writing Proposals, published by the Social Science Research Council.

The Center accepts policy-relevant, non-advocacy fellowship proposals that address key challenges confronting the United States and the world. Among other things, all application materials must be submitted in English on or before October 1, 2022.

The Center offers a stipend of $90,000 for the fellowship while fellows are responsible for their own health insurance and travel expenses.

Among other things, fellows are expected to be in residence for the entire U.S. academic year (early September through May). Occasionally, fellowships are awarded for shorter periods, with a minimum of four months. Fellows must devote full time to the fellowship study and may not accept a teaching assignment, another residential fellowship, or undertake any other major activities that require an extended absence from the Center during the tenure of their fellowship.

For detailed information about the programme, and to apply please visit https://www.wilsoncenter.org/fellowship-application.