The World Bank Group is launching a free online international development finance course titled “Financing for Development: Unlocking Investment Opportunities”. The course which will begin on March 1, 2017 will teach about the critical role of the private sector and the use of finance, including innovative solutions to fund the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), to help meet the World Bank Group goals of ending poverty and boosting shared prosperity by 2030.
The four-week online course will discuss methodologies currently being considered by global leaders to finance the sustainable development agenda. Key concepts, terminology, sources of development finance, and the need for increased use of Official Development Assistance (ODA) and innovative financing solutions will be covered.
In the online finance course, candidates will learn about critical stakeholders, instruments and trends associated with domestic and international public finance in support of development; purpose and premise of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); the main drivers and sources of private finance – both domestic and international – and their growing importance in development; and how Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) support public and private efforts to meet the 2030 development agenda goals
The course is free and open to everybody and no prior knowledge is required. Interested candidates should register at