Working Group Proposes New Media Strategy for the EU


An outline of a new “EU Strategy for Independent and Sustainable Media” has been proposed by a Working Group of journalists, publishers and media professionals hosted by Foundation EurActiv. The strategy was recommended by the working group as a fresh approach to revive the media sector in view of the weak policies at EU and the collapse of long standing businesses.

The Working Group was set up following the Association of European Journalists Congress in Brussels in November 2013 and is chaired by Christophe Leclercq, Founder of Fondation EurActiv. At the 2013 congress, there was a debate on EU media projects which led to voting to create a working group on issues of public interest and support for independent media coverage of EU policies. The working group was intended to not only include representative of the AEJ sections that have interest in the matter but also include other experts.

Former commissioners have endorsed proposals for the EU to have a media strategy to assist the sector in dealing with the technology revolution and economic crisis, and to eradicate the burdensome regulations from the sector.

Foundation EurActiv organized the #Media4EU event in the European Parliament on January 29. The event was attended by +120+ policy-makers, stakeholders and media representatives who considered and discussed an EU strategy for independent and sustainable media in Europe. The strategy comprises 6 Policy Principles along with 6 matching Practical EU Actions. This strategy would require the establishment of a High-Level Group to give advice and recommendations on EU media policy during the current mandate.

The policy principles outlined in the strategy draft include

  • Provide an EU STRATEGY for a healthy media sector, to overcome technology and economic crises.
  • Let COMMERCIAL revenues grow, not adding unnecessary regulation
  • Facilitate press INDEPENDENCE by separating EU communication from EU media strategy.
  • Respect SUBSIDIARITY encouraging media initiatives, and national actions including independent regulators
  • Support QUALITY journalism & scrutiny and challenge myths & populism
  • Develop Media INNOVATION Strategy within horizon 2020