World Forum of Free Media Calls for Contribution to World Charter of Free Media


The World Forum of Free Media (WFFM) is calling for contributions to the text of the World Charter of Free Media. The Charter is a tool of struggle and advocacy for various structures and organizations throughout the world that defend freedom expression and the right to communicate.

According to WFFM, “The document has the purpose of gathering common principles and strategic actions for the defense of a democratic communication and the promotion of free media worldwide, starting from a collective and participative elaboration.” WFFM is calling for online contributions to the charters. Deadline for contributing to the charter is March 2015. These contributions will be sorted through and organized in an open work group, and will be submitted to debate and finalizing at the 4th edition of WFFM, in Tunis. The Charter will be formally drafted at the WFFM.

In order to participate, log on to, register your email and password, and choose the section to be commented. Comments regarding the Letters general text will be accepted, ranging from its introduction to its common principles, but also specifically to its Actions/Strategy proposals. It is also possible to propose new additions to this particular portion. You can also approve or disapprove previously made comments.