African Liberty Calls for Entries for 2022/2023 Writing Fellowship

Franklin Cudjoe
President, African Liberty

The African Liberty, a platform for advancing individual freedom, peace, and prosperity in Africa by promoting civil discussion and debate about social, legal, economic, and world issues affecting Africans, has announced a call for entries from writers across Africa for its Writing Fellowship, a year-long programme designed to train young Africans interested in academia, media, public policy, or any other critical-and-analytical-writing-related career, in opinion article writing.

To be eligible, an applicant has to be enrolled in, or must have graduated from, an African tertiary or, be an African pursuing higher education outside the continent.

In 2021/2022 the programme received approximately 850 applications with 60 invited to the five-week training and inducted as writing fellows.

Fellows will complete a five-week mandatory online course. The top thirty-five candidates from the five-week training will be admitted as African Liberty Writing Fellows. The programme is entirely online.

Fellows will receive monthly compensation, contingent upon a monthly assessment and also get published in major media outlets.  The programme does not consider financial compensation until a fellow is inducted

Submission of applications closes on April 30, 2022.

For more information and to apply please go to: