Intel, She Leads Africa Holds Workshop For Female Tech Entrepreneurs


She Leads Africa (SLA) and Intel Corp will host a series of educational workshops for female technology entrepreneurs in cities across Africa from January 2015. The workshop series which started on January 24, 2015 in Nairobi, Kenya has two more scheduled stops in Johannesburg, South Africa and Lagos, Nigeria.

She-Leads-AfricaThe aim of the workshop is to assist female developers in upgrading their IT knowledge and build a viable and successful business. Each workshop will consist of two sessions. Intel will lead the first session and will show attendees how technology can be used to solve community problems. There will also be working session on building participants MVP (minimum viable product) and getting their product ready for the public. SLA will take over the second session and will teach participants how to get their product/service into the hands of consumers.  Participant will go through real case studies to make sure that the session is practical and not just theoretical.

Participants will also learn about the Lean Start Up model and how to use Intel architecture in your business.

Female tech entrepreneurs are now being called upon to send in their applications to be selected as participants for the workshop. Intending participants should click here to apply.

For More Information: Visit the Official Webpage of the She Leads Africa X Intel Workshop