Alicia Patterson Foundation Accepting Applications for Independent Writing Projects

Margaret Engel, Executive Director, Alicia Patterson Journalism Foundation

The Washington D.C.-based Alicia Patterson Foundation, which supports journalists engaged in rigorous, probing, in-depth reporting, is accepting applications from United States (U.S.) citizens who are full-time print journalists, as well as non-U.S. citizens working full-time for U.S. print publications for its independent writing projects. It enables working journalists to pursue independent projects of significant interest and to write articles based on their investigations which are published by the Foundation on its website and by other media outlets.

The fellowship grants are available in two categories: the 12 month ($40,000) and the six months ($20,000), which allow successful applicants to do independent research and writing on a topic of their choice. At least one fellowship is aimed at science and environmental coverage.

While the standard fellowship is twelve months, the foundation may award a six-month fellowship depending on the applicant’s proposal. In applying, candidates are expected to submit a detailed proposal outlining how they would use the fellowship and the significance of their project. The proposal should also include a summary of four planned articles.

Applicants are required to provide work samples as follows:

  • Reporters and Writers: Submit three copies of three articles. Ensure diversity in topics by including a mix of different articles. Note that parts of series count as one article, so it is advisable to choose one part of a series and include two other unrelated articles.
  • Editors: Provide three copies of four edited works, accompanied by a statement detailing their contribution to each piece. Editors who also write may substitute two of their own articles for two of the sample works.
  • Photographers: Submit a set of 8 to 12 samples, which may either have been published or unpublished.

Additionally, applicants must include two letters of recommendation from individuals who are familiar with their work and their proposed project. These letters should address the applicant’s talents, abilities, and potential to overcome obstacles. The reference letters must be submitted directly to the foundation no later than October 1, 2024. Recommendations can be emailed to

For further details on the application process, including guidelines and submission, please visit the Alicia Patterson Foundation’s application portal: Alicia Patterson Foundation Application.

The Alicia Patterson Foundation was established in 1965 to honor the memory of Alicia Patterson, the influential editor and publisher of Newsday, who led the publication for nearly 23 years before her death in 1963. The Foundation is dedicated to enhancing the quality of U.S. print journalism by offering fellowships that support journalists in pursuing independent and impactful projects.

Through its commitment to advancing print journalism, the Alicia Patterson Foundation continues to honor Alicia Patterson’s legacy and support journalists in their pursuit of excellence.