Nominations Open for the 2022 Columbia Global Freedom of Expression Prizes

Lee C. Bollinger
President of Columbia University

Nominations have opened for the 2022 Columbia Global Freedom of Expression Prizes which celebrate judicial decisions and legal services around the world that strengthen freedom of expression by promoting international standards. Anyone is eligible to nominate court decisions or legal services that have had a recognizable impact on freedom of expression.

The prizes recognize the efforts of human rights defenders and judicial bodies in both strengthening and understanding global international norms of freedom of expression.

The biennial prizes are awarded by Columbia Global Freedom of Expression, a Columbia University initiative that seeks to advance understanding of the international and national norms and institutions that best protect the free flow of information and expression in an inter-connected global community with major common challenges to address.

The organisers invite nominations from jurists, academics, and non-governmental organizations actively engaged in protecting freedom of expression of nominees from around the world.

The 2022 prizes will be awarded in two categories: Significant legal ruling and Excellence in legal services.

The Significant legal ruling prize will recognize a decision rendered anywhere in the world that has advanced or strengthened global understanding of international norms of Freedom of Expression and Information. Preference shall be given to decisions rendered between 2020-2021.

The Excellence in legal services prize will recognize a legal brief, amicus brief, academic or other publication, anywhere in the world, that has advanced or strengthened global understanding of international norms of Freedom of Expression and Information. Preference shall be given to services rendered between 2020-2021.

Selections will be based on the decision or legal service that demonstrate sound legal reasoning and have advanced the legal understanding of the issues under consideration; on the decision or legal service that must make a significant contribution to the protection of freedom of expression or information and on the decision or legal service must demonstrate a global understanding of freedom of expression and information.  This could be demonstrated by listing laws, standards, policies, or decisions regarding freedom of expression that have been referenced in the brief, amicus, or publication. The listed references may be international, regional, and/or originating from other jurisdictions.

Nominations close on December 30, 2021 and the following nomination forms can be used:

For more information, and to nominate, please go to: