NordMedia NordMedia Network Invites Abstracts for Media and Information Literacy Yearbook

Maarit Jaakkola
Co-director, Nordicom

The NordMedia Network is inviting paper abstracts from media and information literacy scholars and practitioners for the 2022/2023 Media and Information Literacy and Intercultural Dialogue (MILID) Yearbook. The theme for this edition is Media and information literacy for the public good. Read more…

The organisers, taking their point of departure from the Global Media and Information Literacy 2021 organized by UNESCO and South Africa, are interested in submissions that present and analyze policy, pedagocial and practical work on strengthening media and information literacy for all in a post-pandemic world. We want to inquire in the diversity of ways to empower citizens all over the world to engage with information while respecting the rights of others, to advance knowledge societies, and to combat expressions that are shown to harm human rights, peace and the public good.

Topics preferred for the yearbook include media and information literacy, media education, educational technology, media literacy, information literacy, visual literacy, news literacy, digital literacy, and media affects. In addition, the following UNESCO-focus issues are included as they relate to media and information literacy: citizen empowerment, education, gender equity, youth, peace, democracy, good governance, development, and safety.

Authors are expected to make a clear connection to media and information literacy (MIL) and MIL environments in their book chapters.

Submissions for the yearbook can be either of academic or practical character, and the chapters can be written by both academics and practitioners. Submissions in the academic category are present original research based on empirical analysis or theoretical development.

Submissions are peer-reviewed. Those in the professional category can be case studies or present critical reflections upon professional practice in the essay form. These submissions will be reviewed by the editorial team.

Deadline for submission of abstracts is May 23, 2022; by June 15, authors will be informed about the decisions on their submissions and those whose abstracts are accepted will be expected to submit full papers by September 15. In February 2023, there will be submissions of revised papers and in October 2023 the book will be released as part of the Global MIL Week.

Submissions, which should consist of an abstract and (an) author bio(s), and are to be emailed to latest by May 23, 2022.

Authors should submit 250-word abstract of their chapter, including a title and 6–8 keywords and marked for one of the following categories the submission belongs to: Submissions in the academic category; or Submissions in the professional category.

All submissions must be in English. Both British and American English can be used as long as the use is consistent throughout the chapter.

Author bio should be a 150-word description of each author, to be attached to the abstract and should contain the title and affiliation, as well as educational and professional background of the author.

The MILID Yearbook provides a publishing forum for established and emerging scholars, information, media and digital professionals and educational practitioners. The MILID Yearbook is a project of the UNESCO-UNAOC UNITWIN Cooperation Programme for Media and Information Literacy and Intercultural Dialogue (MILID), started in 2011. The first edition of the yearbook was published in 2013 by Nordicom. Since 2021, the yearbook is published by the UNIMINUTO University in Colombia.

The objectives of the MILID Yearbook are to encourage collaborations among members of the MILID Network and MIL researchers globally; to share knowledge among the partner universities and among the broader MILID community for best practice and research on MIL; and to promote intercultural dialogue among the partner universities and beyond.