The World Bank Group has published the report of a study carried out in 2019 and 2020 in post-implementation of national public-private partnerships (PPPs) that captures the enhanced disclosure environment, the perceptions of stakeholders vis-à-vis structured disclosure, identifies what was working well, as well as outlining areas for improvement.
The report, entitled “Toward More Accountable PPPs: A Review of the Development, Implementation, and Post-Implementation Experience of Improved Disclosure Practices in PPPs in Ghana, Honduras, Kenya, and Nigeria” is divided into three secions.
Section 1 of the report provides the general background within which PPP disclosure is located, as well as the key elements of the World Bank’s Framework for Disclosure in PPPs. Section 2 documents the process followed in developing and implementing customized national frameworks in the pilot countries. Section 3 presents and analyzes the results of a survey carried out post-implementation in the pilot countries to assess stakeholder perceptions of enhanced disclosure.
Surveys were administered to public and private actors in the PPP sectors to capture users’ perceptions on the implementation of public disclosure of information, based on their experience. Through these perceptions, the study also sought to improve the understanding of the perception of benefits accrued and capture any challenges that could inform the next phase of the transparency initiative.
The survey was circulated among relevant stakeholders in each pilot country, including national PPP coordinating entities, contracting authorities, special purpose vehicles (SPVs), private investment entities, consulting firms and individuals, civil society organizations, media, and academia.
The report also presents the detailed findings of the survey to capture the enhanced PPP disclosure environment and identify what has worked and what could be improved, with a focus on the public-facing PPP disclosure portals.
The report can be downloaded from here.