CIPDH-UNESCO Launches Second Edition International Course on Human Rights

Audrey Azoulay, Director-General, UNESCO
Audrey Azoulay, Director-General, UNESCO

The International Center for the Promotion of Human Rights (CIPDH-UNESCO) has launched the second edition of its International Course on Human Rights, which is aimed at tackling the particularities and differences that exist among investigation, fact-finding, documenting and the monitoring of human rights violations.

The central topic of this course will be: “Human Rights Investigation: Fact-finding, documenting and monitoring” and will be held at the UNESCO Observatory Villa Ocampo in Buenos Aires, Argentina, from October 29 to November 2, 2018.

This international course intends to tackle the particularities and differences that exist among investigation, fact-finding, documentation and monitoring of human rights violations (individual or systematic) through case studies and the analysis of new technologies and methodologies.

The teachers and speakers are experts, public officials and activists that will share their experiences and thoughts with the selected participants. The course will integrate various dynamic learning approaches, such as simulation exercises, group discussions, traditional teaching and interviews, among others. Sessions will revolve around specific real-life cases of human rights investigations with the participation of actors that were involved in them.

The course is aimed at professionals with experience in the field of human rights, be they staff of non-governmental and international organizations, officials from national governments, researchers or academics. A selection process will be carried out among all the applications received in order to choose 35 participants for the course.

The course will be held with simultaneous translation in English and Spanish.