Foundation Announces Start of 2024 Campus Journalism Fellowship

Mr. Yinka Olaito, Executive Director of AFYMP

The Africa Foundation for Young Media Professionals (AFYMP) has announced the commencement of the 2024 edition of its Campus Journalism Fellowship, an initiative designed to transform Africa’s media landscape and foster sustainable journalism by developing the next generation of media professionals across Nigeria and Africa.

This year, the fellowship will run for four months and has adopted a hybrid format to accommodate both in-person and virtual participants. A total of 19 campus journalists and broadcasters from across Africa have been selected, comprising 14 males and five females who are predominantly in the early stages of their media careers, were chosen for their demonstrated passion and commitment to journalism.

The fellows were selected from a pool of over 250 applicants representing various countries, including Nigeria, Kenya, The Gambia, and Tanzania.

The four-month programme began with a two-day intensive workshop held at the University of Ibadan Hotels, Agbowo in Ibadan, Oyo State.

AFYMP Campus Journalism Fellowship is implemented under the Collaborative Media Engagement for Development, Inclusion and Accountability (CMEDIA) Project supported by the McArthur Foundation through the Wole Soyinka Centre for Investigative Journalism (WSCIJ).