Centre of African Studies, University of Cambridge, Announce Fellowship


The Centre of African Studies is requesting applications for two Visiting Research Fellowships to be held at the University of Cambridge. The Fellowship which is with support from A.G Leventis Foundation is calling for entries from candidates in all the disciplines in the humanities and social sciences.

The aim of the program which is to enable successful Fellows to be focused during an undisturbed period of research and writing in Cambridge will run for six months from October 1, 2014 till   March 31, 2015. This is a non-renewable Fellowship and special preference will be given to candidates with a distinguished research profile who are permanent residents in Africa.

 The Centre will award up to £14,000, out of which travel, accommodation, maintenance costs and medical insurance will be paid by the Centre on behalf of the fellow. Fellows will have access to the library of the Centre of African Studies and to the University Library, which houses an extensive collection of materials relating to the history of the Commonwealth formerly housed in the Royal Commonwealth Society Library in London.

Applicants are expected to have completed a doctoral degree before the Fellowship start date. It is expected that applicants would come to Cambridge to work on a project building on existing research for which a period of residence in Cambridge is demonstrably appropriate. They should present a clear and feasible plan for preparing one or more pieces of work for publication. The initiation of a new research project will not be ruled out where there is a realistic expectation that it could be substantially advanced by the end of the tenure of the Fellowship.

To qualify for the Fellowship, applicants will need to submit an application to the Centre of African Studies, University of Cambridge, by January 3, 2014. They will also need to ensure that reference letters will arrive at the Centre by the same date of application submission. The application should contain: a curriculum vitae including details of publications; planned project details; a photocopy of applicants PhD certificate (if applicable); a photocopy of applicants passport and two references to be sent directly by referees to the Director. The Centre will not consider applications that are not complete. References can be sent by email or in hard copy but applicants are not allowed to submit their applications by email.

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