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Media Rights Agenda

Visual.ly, UNESCO Launch Infographics Contest on Ending Impunity

Online visual platform Visual.ly in collaboration with the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) has launched a competition to raise awareness about...

IGF Delegates Highlight the Need for a Safe, Secure Cyberspace

Participants at the Ninth Internet Governance Forum (IGF) have identified "digital trust" as an important factor for a safe and secure online space.  The...

IFLA Launches Lyon Declaration on Access to Information and Development

The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) in August, launched the Lyon Declaration on Access to Information and Development.  The Declaration launched...

AHRC, British Library Launch Research Project on the Future of Academic Books

The Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and the British Library plan to launch a two-year research project which will explore the future of...

CIVICUS Celebrates 10 years of Innovation Awards

The CIVICUS Innovation Awards is celebrating its 10th year of rewarding civil society activists and organisations for their excellence, innovation, and brave risk-taking.  To...

UNESCO to Contract out Researches on Internet Governance Principles

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) will contract to an individual or organization to review international and regional declarations, normative frameworks...