Data Research Symposium 2018 Holds in Argentina, Calls for Submission


DZevIlHWAAAyfGsThe third Open Data Research Symposium (ODRS) is scheduled to take place on Tuesday, September 25, 2018 in the lead up to the International Open Data Conference in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

The 3rd Open Data Research Symposium (ODRS) offers researchers an opportunity to share completed research to inform an understanding of open data’s contribution to society. It is also an opportunity to shape the open data research agenda such that the knowledge produced by the research community is both relevant and robust.

The forum will bring researchers together; will also serve as the occasion to explore the resurrection of the Open Data Research Network (ODRN). The research community will be invited to provide input on how best to create a vibrant, invaluable and inclusive open data research network.

As open data become entrenched in the policy mainstream, there is an ongoing need to delve deeper into the dynamics of open data practices. At the same time, there is a need to maintain a critical perspective and to develop empirically-tested theories on the publication, use and impact of open data.

The organizer has called for submissions that reflect critically on a variety of topical and emerging themes. Submissions are invited from all disciplines, though with an emphasis on empirical social research. Cross-country, interdisciplinary, and cross-sector collaborations are particularly encouraged.

Workshop proposals are invited for the afternoon session. Proposals should outline activities or topics for discussion that will contribute to shaping the open data research agenda or share tools or processes relevant to the research community. Workshop proposals can be emailed to
The organizer has set May 15, 2018 as deadline for workshop proposals, June 11, 2018 as deadline for submission of extended abstracts and September 3, 2018 as deadline for full papers