Publisher Calls for Submissions to a Festschrift to Celebrate the Life of Wole Soyinka


Ben Bosah Books, an independent press organisation, has issued a call for contributions for a festschrift to celebrate the life of Nobel Laureate, Prof. Wole Soyinka in academia, letters and social activism in a multi-media book.

Mr. Ben Bosha, Publisher Ben Bosha Books

The publishers said they are looking for entries that capture Prof. Soyinka’s multi-faceted life in images, essays on him and his writings, poems, short plays inspired by him and/or his work, music etc. According to the organizers, such music or dramatic performances will be recorded and enclosed in an attached CD and DVD that will come with the book.

Interested contributors should forward their submissions to reach the publishers by February 28, 2014. They plan to release the book just before Prof. Soyinka’s 80th birthday in July 2014.

Enquiries and submissions for the festschrift should be made to