IJNet Produces Multimedia Elections Reporting Toolkit

Sharon Moshavi
President of ICFJ

The International Journalist Network (IJNet) has produced a comprehensive multimedia resource package to assist journalists in covering significant upcoming elections worldwide. The resource contains informative articles and videos on dealing with election-related disinformation, improving digital security, and reporting on anti-democratic extremism, among other key issues.

Journalists, editors, and fact-checkers across the globe are excitedly exploring the toolkit’s content to improve their election coverage. The toolkit provides necessary tools to confront the growing challenges of disinformation, safeguard digital security, and uncover the subtleties of anti-democratic extremism.

The toolkit which explores various issues related to election reporting begins by painting a vivid picture of the world on the brink of change. It highlights the significance of upcoming elections in various countries, underlining the very essence of democracy at stake. It reminds journalists of their vital role as the watchdogs of society, tasked with upholding the integrity of these crucial events.

Recognising that the most pressing challenge journalists face in the digital age is the relentless tide of disinformation, the toolkit features comprehensive articles and videos, revealing the sinister art of creating and spreading fake news. It provides journalists with practical tips on how to recognise misinformation, debunk falsehoods, and report on the mechanisms behind these deceptive campaigns.

Acknowledging that elections are not just about counting votes but also a reflection of society’s ideological landscapes, the toolkit offers a deep dive into the world of anti-democratic extremism. It exposes journalists to the ideologies, tactics, and organizations that pose a threat to democracy itself. Armed with this knowledge, journalists can investigate and report on these elements to keep the public informed.

The toolkit also provides journalists with a comprehensive guide on protecting themselves from cyber threats, teaches them about encryption, secure communication channels, and the importance of two-factor authentication in preserving the integrity of their work.

The toolkit emphasizes the importance of ethical journalism, of reporting without bias, and of maintaining the trust of the public. It encouraged journalists to be mindful of their responsibility as the guardians of democracy and to foster a sense of credibility in their work.

In a world where information spreads like wildfire on social media platforms, the toolkit seeks to equip journalists with strategies to navigate these digital landscapes effectively. They will also learn how to use social media as a tool for gathering information, engaging with audiences, and countering disinformation while avoiding the pitfalls of online echo chambers.

One of the toolkit’s most powerful lessons is the value of collaboration. It highlights the importance of partnerships with other media organizations, fact-checkers, and data analysts. It makes the point that working together, journalists could create a more robust defense against the challenges posed by disinformation and anti-democratic extremism.

To explore the various parts of the toolkit, visit https://ijnet.org/en/toolkit/elections-reporting.