The Open Government Partnership (OGP) has issued a call for nominations to fill three Civil Society seats on the Steering Committee, starting October 1,2022. Self-nomination is also accepted.
The OGP’s Civil Society Steering Committee creates a space for renowned civil society leaders to steer the global open government agenda, in partnership with their government counterparts. Civil society Steering Committee members can be able to help shape OGP as a delivery mechanism for the global civil society community and may also be called on to attend and speak at high-level events. They will have the opportunity to open new doors for their organisation, their country and region. In 2022, the Steering Committee will play a key role in shaping OGP’s new strategic direction as the partnership undertakes a strategic refresh.
The nomination process will aim to be as transparent as possible, and seeks to attract capable candidates from a diversity of regions and backgrounds, with the goal of establishing a balanced team of 22 Steering Committee members, 11 from civil society and 11 from government, who provide strategic and effective leadership to OGP.
This year the OGP is specifically looking for strong leaders from Asia Pacific and Latin America. The civil society cohort is also keen to bring in additional expertise in the fields of anti-corruption and civic tech and digital governance.
The selection of new members is undertaken by a Selection Committee through a transparent and participatory process that invites inputs from OGP’s civil society community and creates opportunities for engagement at each step.
To qualify for Selection Committee volunteers must be an active member of civil society, have a good understanding of OGP and what its leadership requires, possess experience in recruitment and selection processes of Steering Committee/Board governance mechanisms, and have time commitment to engage through the duration of the process. The need to have a diverse and representative selection committee will also be taken into account.
The selection of these new members takes place through a transparent and participatory process that invites inputs from OGP’s civil society community and creates opportunities for engagement at each step. Individuals from the civil society community interested in serving in the Selection Committee are invited to send a brief email explaining their motivations and qualifications to by April 8, 2022.
OGP is made up of thousands of reformers inside and outside of government who believe in more open and responsive societies that put citizens first. OGP has grown into a mature partnership, with 78 national members, 76 local governments and thousands of civil society participants. Together they have co-created over 4,500 open government reforms, of which a significant proportion have shown major impact. For the next decade, the initiative will continue to need champions to lead the partnership, leaders who can deepen democracy and openness, help protect and promote civic space, and build a stronger global coalition for open government.
Please visit the OGP website for additional information regarding the criteria, mandate, and selection process. Nominations will only be accepted via this nomination form by April 8, 2022.