The Sydney Hillman Foundation, which began honouring journalists, writers and other public figures who pursue investigative journalism and public policy for the common good since 1950, is calling for nominations for the 2015 edition of the Hillman prize. The winners of the Hillman prize are people who possess the skills of sound news judgment, resourcefulness, and courage in reporting, storytelling and social impact.
For the 2015 edition, prizes will be awarded for work produced, published, broadcast, or exhibited in 2014. Categories include books (nonfiction); newspaper reporting (print or online); magazine reporting (print or online); broadcast journalism (video or radio programs longer than twenty minutes, and documentary film); Web journalism (online multimedia reporting by an individual or an institution; should have a substantial visual component as well as text); and opinion journalism (commentary and analysis in any medium.
Journalists and subjects worldwide who have published works widely accessible to a U.S audience are eligible for the contest. The Prize winners will be announced in April 2015; they will be awarded a trip to New York to receive $50,000 and a certificate designed by New York cartoonist Edwards Sorel at an award ceremony and cocktail reception to hold on May 5, 2015.
The distinguished panel of Judges to judge the submissions consists of: Hendrik Hertzberg, staff writer, The New Yorker; Ta-Nehisi Coates, National Correspondent, The Atlantic; Harold Meyerson, Washington Post columnist and editor-at-large, The American Prospect; Katrina vanden Heuvel, editor and publisher, The Nation; and Rose Arce, senior producer, Starfish Media Group.
For nominations, visit the Hillman Foundation website at for complete guidelines and nomination instructions. The deadline for all submissions is January 30, 2015.