UNESCO Promotes Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads Photo Contest 2021

Audrey Azoulay
Director-General of UNESCO

Entries are now open for the 2021 edition of the Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads international photo contest for young photographers. The contest provides an opportunity for young people to connect with one another in a digital space and share their creativity and vision for a post-pandemic world.

The contest is organized within the UNESCO Silk Roads Programme, and in line with the objectives of UNESCO Youth and UNESCO MOST Programmes, which are part of UNESCO’s Social and Human Sciences Programme. It promotes dialogue, diversity and development and is open from May 24 to August 24, 2021, for participants aged 14-25 living in, or travelling along, the Silk Roads.

This year’s photographs must represent Silk Roads shared heritage through the two parallel themes of Textiles and Clothing, particularly intercultural Exchanges in the Time of Covid-19.

The young photographers will be assessed on how they are able to express their unique creativity and individuality through the medium of photography, sharing images that highlight the significant cultural interactions taking place along the Silk Roads.

Submitted photographs will be examined by an International Selection Committee composed of renowned experts.

There will be two competition categories: 14-17 years old, and 18-25 years old. Three winners, each receiving a prize, will be selected from each age category. Winners will be announced online in September 2021.

First place winners will receive a professional camera. Second place winners will receive a semi-professional camera, and the prize for third place will be a standard-model digital camera.

Subject to Covid-19 restrictions, winners will receive an all-expenses-paid trip to the award ceremony, with those under 17 years of age accompanied by one family member, courtesy of UNESCO.

A travelling exhibition of around 50 photos that best represent the spirit of the contest will be exhibited in various places around the world, again depending on restrictions. To further commemorate the occasion, these exceptional photographs will ultimately appear in a professional photo album.

Eligible persons who are interested should apply at: https://unescosilkroadphotocontest.org/participate.